Local Planning Committee

The Local Planning Committee (LPC) is led by two Co-Chairs consisting of the Mayor and a member of the Western NY Regional Economic Development Council. Additional LPC members include local and regional leaders, community stakeholders, and representatives from interest groups and organizations that were nominated by the Mayor and selected by the New York Secretary of State. As representatives of a variety of interests within the community, the LPC members are responsible for guiding the planning process and helping to identify the most appropriate range of community engagement approaches for the NYF area. The LPC members take an active role in public outreach and evaluate and select projects for inclusion in the SIP. LPC members meet regularly to brainstorm ideas, provide direction and feedback to consultant teams, review planning products, and discuss community engagement efforts.

Charles Snyder - Supervisor, Town of Aurora, Co-Chair

Thomas Kucharski - REDC, Co-Chair

Jack Bouquin - Club President, West Falls Conservation

Mandy Carl - Realtor

Douglas Crow - Board Chairman, Planning and Conservation

John Farrell - EMS Lieutenant, West Falls EMS

Jennifer Fee - Boys and Girls Club

Deb Fenn - Past Executive Director/Current Board Member, Rails to Trails

Lynn Fial-Kibler - Small Business Owner, The Farmstead on Olden

Rico Rivera - Owner, The Blueberry Treehouse Farm

Linda Schenne - Owner, The Dog Bar

Conor Schneider - Owner, The Train Depot

Donna Schwarzenholzer - West Falls, Colden Library President

Victoria Sturman - Chamber President, East Aurora

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